
The Stratton Community Foundation

Click here to watch "The Heart of Stratton
A Movie about Community Need & Impact


The Stratton Community Foundation

Click here to watch "The Heart of Stratton
A Movie about Community Need & Impact


The Stratton Community Foundation cares about the well-being of children and families in southern Vermont. Our mission is to address the challenges that stand between a child in need and the opportunity to be healthy, safe, and prepared to learn. Our vision to help children focus on their education and set them on a path to success and economic independence. Our focus is hunger, basic necessities, oral health, mental health and education. Our role in the community is to be nimble and respond to the needs that arise as a result of economic challenges and crises that impact the quality of life and future of children.


Support the Community You Live In

Support the Community You Live In

How You Can Help

Make a Donation

There are a number of ways you can make a donation to support our mission. Whether it be in the form of a warm pair of boots, or a monetary gift, your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Please take a look at our Donate page for options and to learn more about our currents needs.

Attend An Event

The Stratton Foundation produces a number of high-quality annual events throughout the year to increase awareness and raise money to address the community needs.  

If you're interested in attending or contributing to an event, please take a look at our complete events list, or contact us


Working as One for the Good of Many

Working as One for the Good of Many



We support nutritious community food pantries, school backpack and summer food programs to end the injustice of hunger and malnutrition. Poverty and hunger is particularly high within our rural mountain VT towns.  Schools witness children not eating at all or gorging because there is no food at home, on weekends or throughout the summer.


We support educational programs that set youth on a path for success and help teens develop a vision for a future of economic independence. Our area has among the highest concentration of VT families living in poverty, and it has been unchanged for decades. Children in poverty are more likely to drop out of school, perform poorly and have health and wellness issues.


We provide funding to care for the health and well-being of our disadvantaged children. There are teens in our area that have never been to the dentist, and so many that go without medical care and mental health services.  Geographic and socioeconomic factors form barriers that prevent poor VT children from growing up happy, healthy and successful.


Basic Necessities

We provide children with coats, boots and warm socks in the Winter and sneakers in the Spring, as well as funds to area schools to care for basic needs on a daily basis year round. Caring for a child’s basic needs impacts their preparedness to learn, ability to play and capacity to thrive.  Children in poverty endure a painful stigma of economic difficulty, all for the lack of what they cannot afford.

Emergency Gifts

We provide financial assistance to those who experience hardship due to an emergency or crisis that prohibits them from caring for the needs of their family and children. A child’s care is our main priority. Help is provided to families who experience a house fire, transportation urgency, warmth crisis or other situation where the children’s safety or needs are at risk.


We provide College, Career & Trade and Personal Life Plan Scholarships to local high school teens to solidify their path to success and reach their future goals . Demonstrating need and potential, these young adults will go on to be educational groundbreakers for themselves and their families to break the cycle of generational poverty.

Thank You Partners

Thank You Partners